Unleash your Comedic Genius

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06.Nov.2024 - Intense laughter is possible while using Fabulr. Caution is advised for people who are at risk of being overwhelmed by spontaneous laughter. If your good mood persists, consult your humor consultant or share the joy responsibly.



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Great comedians about us

On the Internet, wonderfully pure,
small art flourishes more and more.
Don't believe everything, stay on guard,
some things are just a façade.
They share jokes, they share the absurd,
touching our hearts with every word.

Heinz Erhardt, German comedian, entertainer actor and poet, 1909 - 1979

Nonsense and laughter, so divine,
thanks to Fabulr it's online prime.
The Internet, it laughs so loud,
with Fabulr, a platform we're proud.
And AI, it boosts the trend,
makes us all comedians in the end.

Karl Valentin, German comedian, folk singer, author, 1882 - 1948
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