For all comedy studio operators on Fabulr we offer "Fabulr Comedy Social", a social network that is connected to the Fediverse. Studio posts can be subscribed to, commented on, liked and shared from any Mastodon account (> 15 million users) and decentralized server.
We do not offer general Mastodon hosting for private users. Please refer to large Mastodon instances where anyone can register and follow Fabulr comedy studios from there.
Mastodon is a decentralized microblogging service. Different servers operated by private individuals or institutions can interact with each other. As of March 2024, over 15 million users are registered in the Mastodon network. On Mastodon, registered users can spread short messages, often called "toots". Posts can be commented on, shared and favorited. Users create an account on a server ("instance") and from there can interact with all other cooperating servers and other services of the Fediverse.
The Fediverse is a universe of harmoniously cooperating networks. It belongs to no one and everyone at the same time, putting the power over digital communication in the hands of the community. The Fediverse consists of many independent platforms and services that are all connected to each other. It is based on free open source software with open interfaces and is decentralized.
Comedy studios benefit from increased visibility, as their posts can be subscribed to, commented on and shared by over 15 million users on various Mastodon servers. Mastodon's decentralized structure allows studios to reach a wider audience without being dependent on a central platform. The open structure of the Fediverse promotes collaboration and exchange with other creatives and communities. In the Fediverse, comedy studios can help shape their communication rules.